Games Application Software
Games application software is essentially just a term for the software that makes a game run.
Computer Programs
In this section, I will start simply, by explaining first what a computer program is, and then expand on that. A computer program is just a set of instructions and algorithms that tell the operating system to do something. By following these instructions, the computer can do something useful, such as opening an internet browser etc. All computer programs are written in a programming language.
Programming Languages
For a computer to be able to recognise what instructions you have set it, it has to be in a language that it understands. They do not understand English or Spanish, it has to be in a programming language!There are many many different types of programming languages available, each following similar principles, but have slightly different outputs. Different programming languages are used for different tasks and different systems, but some programming languages can be used universally, such as Java, C# and C++. Most video games these days are written mostly in C++ and C (some with Java, e.g Minecraft), and some assembly language. Assembly language is a very basic, lightweight language, used for as single type of console. It is another reason why you can not run, for example, a PS4 game on an Xbox One. Interpreted languages are programming languages that require to be translated by another program, so that the CPU and the rest of the computer/console can perform the task required by the language. This means that it can be slower, as it has to go through a separate application first, but it also means that it is a lot easier to program in these languages, making it easier for developers. Most of the big programming languages that I have mentioned above are interpreted languages, as they are cross-platform and very flexible.
Java is a very multi-platform language, with '3 billion devices' running it - as boasted by them quite a lot. It is used for web plugins frequently, as it can be run on many different devices. It is also used to run mobile phone games frequently, but not console games.Java also has a 'micro edition', (which is how 3 billion devices run it), which is used mainly in lightweight devices, such as DVD players and printers (see the picture for a larger list).
C#C# is another type of interpreted programming language, which is used mainly for developing game development tools. A game development tool is a piece of software that helps developers to create a video game, through creation of 3D game assets, or the simulation of physics in a game.
Compiled languages, such as C and C++ are programming languages used mainly for modern games. When written, this code can be compiled into a file that can be executed by a computer, which in effect runs the program that has been written.Object-oriented programming is a programming language that allows objects to be grouped. These grouped 'classes' can be given different permissions and characteristics. This can be useful in games, as if you need one group of NPCs to carry shotguns, and another group to carry baseball bats, but they all need to look different, you would use classes to do this.OOP is a good way of coding in gaming terms, as it allows the developers to do things quicker, and much more organised.
Games Application Software
Games application software is essentially just a term for the software that makes a game run.
Computer Programs
In this section, I will start simply, by explaining first what a computer program is, and then expand on that. A computer program is just a set of instructions and algorithms that tell the operating system to do something. By following these instructions, the computer can do something useful, such as opening an internet browser etc. All computer programs are written in a programming language.
Programming Languages
For a computer to be able to recognise what instructions you have set it, it has to be in a language that it understands. They do not understand English or Spanish, it has to be in a programming language!There are many many different types of programming languages available, each following similar principles, but have slightly different outputs. Different programming languages are used for different tasks and different systems, but some programming languages can be used universally, such as Java, C# and C++. Most video games these days are written mostly in C++ and C (some with Java, e.g Minecraft), and some assembly language. Assembly language is a very basic, lightweight language, used for as single type of console. It is another reason why you can not run, for example, a PS4 game on an Xbox One. Interpreted languages are programming languages that require to be translated by another program, so that the CPU and the rest of the computer/console can perform the task required by the language. This means that it can be slower, as it has to go through a separate application first, but it also means that it is a lot easier to program in these languages, making it easier for developers. Most of the big programming languages that I have mentioned above are interpreted languages, as they are cross-platform and very flexible.
Java is a very multi-platform language, with '3 billion devices' running it - as boasted by them quite a lot. It is used for web plugins frequently, as it can be run on many different devices. It is also used to run mobile phone games frequently, but not console games.Java also has a 'micro edition', (which is how 3 billion devices run it), which is used mainly in lightweight devices, such as DVD players and printers (see the picture for a larger list).
C#C# is another type of interpreted programming language, which is used mainly for developing game development tools. A game development tool is a piece of software that helps developers to create a video game, through creation of 3D game assets, or the simulation of physics in a game.
Compiled languages, such as C and C++ are programming languages used mainly for modern games. When written, this code can be compiled into a file that can be executed by a computer, which in effect runs the program that has been written.Object-oriented programming is a programming language that allows objects to be grouped. These grouped 'classes' can be given different permissions and characteristics. This can be useful in games, as if you need one group of NPCs to carry shotguns, and another group to carry baseball bats, but they all need to look different, you would use classes to do this.OOP is a good way of coding in gaming terms, as it allows the developers to do things quicker, and much more organised.
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