So, now that you have read through the three sections that I have covered, It is time for me to start listing what I have found. Enjoy!
- When writing about Nintendo Wiis, your concentration goes out of the window!
- I wouldn't say that PCs are that different to consoles really, and describing yourself as a part of a "master race" is just foolish. Enjoy the game, your hardware isn't that important.
- On a serious note, it really does seem that TV gaming could be a big player in the future, especially with console integration.
- The Game Boy really did set a trend for consoles to come! especially for Nintendo.
- Nintendo don't really make much that is new, they build on their older devices, which is very clever marketing!
- There is way too much rivalry in the console world!
- If anybody hears or knows anything about a Nintendo game called "Origin Story", please do feel free to email me -
- Snake did actually have a part to play in the development of mobile games! It wasn't just a pointless and irritating game!
- I'm actually shocked to see home many consoles there were before our generation, I always pictured it as just a few, but it seems the history goes back far!
- Casual gamers and serious gamers are two very different audiences. Both audiences probably dislike the culture of each other's, but to be honest, casual games consoles are made for casual gamers, and serious games consoles are made for serious gamers. So in my eyes, I don't see how they can be compared fairly! I never had a problem playing on the Wii with my family, so therefore it is not a 'bad' console.
Anyway, that turned into a bit of a rant towards the end, but you get the picture! That is all from me for now, and I hope you've enjoyed this blog!
See you around,
Matt! :D
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